Parents, If your child’s poem was accepted for publication, be assured of the following:
Your child’s teacher submitted one or more poems for consideration for publication. Teachers who take the time to work with their students and submit their poems are committed to improving student writing.
Not all poems are chosen for publication. Each child’s poem is reviewed and no decision is made on selecting the poem based on the number of children in a school or given classroom. We do not eliminate a poem just because many children’s poems in a class are chosen for publication. That means, then, that some classrooms may experience a 100% acceptance rate while others may experience a 0% acceptance rate. Over the thirty-one years of this project, the national acceptance rate runs between 60 and 65%.
Your child’s poem will be printed in the book if we receive a parent permission form postmarked prior to the deadline.
You do not have to purchase a book in order to see your child’s poem in print. Your child’s school will receive a free library copy of the book.
The charge for a book is $19.99 (with free shipping/handling). This covers the printing of the book, free school copies, postage, and employee costs (most of the employees are high school and college students who work around school hours and their extra-curricular activities). The project often sponsors school fundraisers to pay students to help with the project.
Parents must give notification prior to February 15 on all book order questions. After February 15, only new book orders are accepted.